Hello Dear Ones,
I’m five weeks post-op! I’m so grateful to my Lord, my husband, my family, and my friends for taking such wonderful care of me. I’m slowly building up stamina in daily tasks and frequent walks. Thank you for all the prayers, love, and support.
Though my body is still healing, thankfully my mental fog dissipated with the pain meds. That returned clarity allowed me to finish one of my final rounds of edits before “going on submission” to editors. My agent’s notes were insightful and helped me deepen the story’s emotional stakes and friendship thread. Whether an editor will want to buy my book is out of my control, but I’m proud of my novel and I cherish the (often elusive) gift of liking my creative work.
Putting yourself into the world for critique, and possible rejection, is often an emotional process of letting go.
The best way to let go of something?
Find something else to cling to! (This also works for swapping negative thoughts for positive ones, unhealthy habits for new hobbies, damaging relationships for edifying ones, etc.)
During the process of submission, I’ll be drafting/clinging to a new MG fantasy novel featuring: a sea-side setting, an opinionated bull, ornery sisters, an elderly, madly-in-love couple that keeps making me tear up to write… I’m so excited about this new story that I’m willing to fling my other novel to the wolves (editors).
And that, my friends, is my favorite way to find the bravery to let go of old loves and embrace the beautiful adventures to come.
Until next time, I hope you enjoy this drop of sunshine.
Quote to Ponder:
“If you don’t like something, change it. If you can’t change it, change your attitude.” — Maya Angelou
What to Bake
Almond Flour Peanut Butter Cookies - I’m a die-hard cookie monster, and these taste delicious! Plus they have a protein + fiber punch thanks to the almond flour. I’ll be baking these for road trip and hiking snacks in the coming months.
What to Listen To
Get Out of the Way Of Your Own Heart by Chris Renzema has the easy-listening, indie sound I love, paired with gorgeous, truth-sweet lyrics.
What to Read*
HOW TO FLY (In Ten Thousand Easy Lessons) by Barbara Kingsolver - This poetry collection was gifted to me by a dear friend. It’s wonderful and I especially enjoyed the section of linked poems on her Italian mother-in-law’s pilgrimage home.
Question to Ponder:
Is there something you currently feel called to let go of?
If yes, what might you cling to instead?
Until next time, wishing you sunshiny trails…
Shelby! I LOVE this new story premise! It’s giving me Howl’s Moving Castle vibes!
Please keep me updated when you’re officially on submission!! Rooting for you, friend!